Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Yummy Crasftiness

 Not really that crafti but I made mini cinnamon rolls last night and boy are they yummy!!

I started with a regular roll of refrigerated crescent rolls and brushed some butter on and then covered with cinnamon and brown sugar.

 Then I rolled it all up.  I ended up wrapping it in saran wrap and sticking it in the refrigerator.

I cut the 2 rolls that I made in to 8 pieces each and plopped them in to the mini muffin tin.  I unfortunately threw my directions away so I had to guess the temp to cook at and the rolls ended up a tad over cooked but they are still very yummy.

Heres the link to the actual recipe:


Monday, July 30, 2012

More Handi than Crafti today...

I used to keep all my seasoning packets laying flat on the panty shelves and my toddler would keep getting in to the pantry and knocking the down.  So today I got the idea of screwing an old plastic bowl to the wall and use it to hold the packets.  I did screw into the stud so the bowl shouldn't go any where but it may be in reach of the tot...can't test it out on her cause she's sleeping...

I really like the fact that this gives me more room on the pantry shelves and I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Upcoming Christmas Projects

I love Pintrest!!  I found these great Christmas time projects and I'm excited to try them out.

1. The Christmas Advent Calender.  It's made out of cardstock/scrapbook paper sewn onto fabric.  I really like this because I can personalize it to my family and as the babies grow so can the activities.

2.  Felt Christmas Tree.  A great idea for little ones.  I think that this project is the one I'm most looking forward to.

3.  Finger Print Snowman Ornaments.  This is pretty awesome.  These can be done as gift or for your own tree.  The kiddies can do one every year

4.  Finger Print Lights Christmas Card.  I like this but I am horrible about getting Christmas cards in the mail...this maybe a maybe this year.

If anyone is interested in the links let me know...

#2:Felt Christmas Tree
#4: Finger Print Light Christmas Card

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Online Color Test

I was looking at my Facebook feed some weeks ago and I came across a Huffington Post that talked about how well can you see color and they provided a link to test how well you see color.  So I go and take the little quiz and score like a 3 or something I don't really remember.  I leave the link open so I can see if hubby would take the quiz to.  (He hasn't by the way)  Anywho, I've take the quiz 3 times now (I think I like torturing myself with it) and this last time I got a 4, which is pretty good considering I've got smudgy fingerprints all over my computer monitor.  Looks like I have trouble with red-oranges...

Here's the link to go take the Color IQ Challenge yourself:


And here's a link to the Huffington Post article:


Friday, July 20, 2012

Feeling Crafti


The crafti bug hit me big yesterday.  I was given these awesome wooden letters when my babies were little to decorate for their room.  I had originally painted the letters and put pokadots on them....

I was on pintrest and I found the pin that showed scrapbook paper covered letters.  I was like ' OMG!! Why didn't I think of that!! '  So I found some scrapbook paper that I felt represented the babies a little bit.  I used Modge Podge to glue the paper to the letters and an exaco knife to remove the excess paper.  I'm pretty darn excited that I managed to avoid cutting myself with the knife!!    


I cut the pirate ship out while the paper was on the letter...not as easy I thought...
Above their beds

Poor Ian has nothing else to go with his letters...I'll have to make a trip to JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby to see if I can find some pirate type wood cuts like Zoe's butterflies and flowers.

Here's the link that I used to make the covered letters: